Plexiglass sheets are brand names for the plastics commonly known as acrylic and polycarbonate. Acrylic is less expensive and easier to fabricate. While acrylic is 17% stronger than glass, polycarbonate is nearly indestructible and often used for bullet-resistant enclosures. Both acrylic and polycarbonate are available in clear, tints, and many opaque colors. We stock the most commonly used colors – typically clear, tints, and whites.
Key Features of plexiglass sheets

- Protective film on both sides of the sheet
- Easy to clean and maintain
- Low Cost
- Excellent Chemical Resistance
- Stronger than glass and less than half the weight
- Fantastic Themal Insulation
- UV Stable ensuring the products will not discolour

- Windows and Doors
- Point Of Sale
- Secondary Glazing
- Shed Glazing
- Signage